Turning Life On
By Keeping Tech in Check.
“An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.”
Together we can create change in our community!
Our communities bring parents, educators and professionals together in a supportive and respectful environment. Whether looking for information or a coalition of parents to delay smartphones, we’ve got your back!
TLO Communities are popping up all over the country. Go ahead! Don’t be shy. We provide all the support you need. So be a champion and launch a community in your area.
Suggestions, Tips, Tricks
With the help from our most valued partners, we have compiled suggestions for parents for everything from Respecting Family Value Outside the Home to Mindfulness. You’ll find them all here. Choose a topic from the drop-down menu above. Have something to share. Reach out!
For a printable list of suggestions for tweens and teens, click here.
re·spect /rəˈspekt/
due regard for the feelings, wishes, rights, or traditions of others
Our resources are extensive and intended to inform many different communities on the possible risks and impacts of technology. Our suggestions are meant to be comprehensive in an effort to empower communities to create and adopt informed, healthy, and appropriate societal norms to ensure kids are using technology safely. We don’t expect that you’ll follow every suggestion. But we do expect that you’ll RESPECT parents who do and also parents who don’t. Our goal is not to tell parents how to parent but simply to unite, inform and empower communities to make informed choices in an effort to achieve digital wellness.